Wednesday 12 August 2015

Pupil Voice Year 3 and 4: Nanny Fox- Georgie Adams and Selina Young

I always begin each academic year with Pupil Voice lesson plans. The aim is to lay the groundwork for the year of equalities education by promoting an ethos where all children are speaking up, joining in and making their voice heard.

Text: Nanny Fox- Georgie Adams and Selina Young
Lesson plan by Andrew Moffat /
Resources: - three cards, all blank except one which has a cross on it.
LI: To see things from another point of view
Success Criteria: I know it’s ok to be different / I can be honest about who I am / I know how to speak up
Key vocab: Conformity/ expectations/ assertive/ brave
Starter: Put up an image of a fox on the board. In pairs write down five things you know about foxes and their behaviour.
Main : Do you think Arnold finds life hard being different? Are his family nasty to him? What do you think he feels inside? Does he try to tell his family he is different? How do you think Ma Fox feels when he leaves home? Do you think either Ma Fox or Arnold should have done something different? We never find out what happens between Arnold and his family; what do you think happens after the story? Should Arnold change who he is for his family or should he continue being himself?
Role play: Interview for job of being nanny fox. Ask three children to come to the front. All three are now foxes and have applied for the position of nanny fox but two are lying about being caring and they really want the position to eat the chicks. One fox is being honest. Ask the three interviewees to pick one of three cards; two are blank but one has a cross on it; the child with the cross is the honest fox. Class fire interview questions to the foxes who answer as caring nanny fox would. After five minutes ask the class who is being honest; the foxes show their cards. Three of the children who guessed correctly are up next to be interviewed and repeat the process.
Activity: Give the children a copy of the “wanted- nanny for chicks” poster. Children to write a letter of application to Mrs Buff from the Fox asking for the job. Explain that you are a fox but give reasons why you would be good at the job.
Plenary: Define key vocab words: Conformity/ expectations/ assertive/ brave
what expectations does Ma Fox have of Arnold. Is Arnold going to change? What advice would you give Ma Fox?
AFL questions: What have we learned about today? / When Arnold grows up I think he will / will not change because…
I think Ma Fox should …

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