Saturday 29 September 2018

Can I join your club by John Kelly and Steph Laberis

Year 2-3 No Outsiders lesson plan 
Text: Can I join your club? by John Kelly and Steph Laberis
lesson plan by Andrew Moffat
Learning intention: To welcome different people
Success criteria: I know we are all different / I can name ways we are different / I have friends who are different / I don’t leave people out
Starter: What is a club, what is a club for? Is anyone in the class a member of a club? Why might someone join a club? Look at the front cover of the book and the body language of the animals- what do you think this story is about?
Main: Read “Can I join your club?” after the story discuss with the children the following questions
-       Why did Duck want to join a club?
-       Why did the different animals turn him away?
-       How did this make Duck feel?
-       When tortoise asked to join Duck’s club, why didn’t Duck check if tortoise could make a good quack noise?
-       Tortoise is very different to duck, why did Duck approve tortoise?
-       Why did Duck choose to call the club “Our Club” instead of “Duck Club”?
-       What did the animals learn at the end of the story?
Role play: Ask for a volunteer to set up a club. Start by giving them a sign that says their name eg “Ismail’s Club” and ask them to stand at the front of the class and invite people to join. Hopefully children will point out that the club shouldn’t be called “Ismail’s Club”, it should be called “Our Club”; if no one does, stop the role play and ask the children whether you have the name correct; what did the animals learn in the story? Cross out the child’s name and replace it with “our”.Now ask children one at a time to approach Ismail and ask to join the club. Ismail should use the line from Duck in the book; “I have to ask you a question.. do you want to be in a club with me? Application APPROVED!” Ismail repeat with lots of different children (Ismail should change “with me” to “with us”). Once you have about ten children if you don’t want to go through the whole class you could stop the role okay and ask Ismail, “Who is approved for your club?” and get the class to shout “Everyone!”
Activity: Say to the children what you like about the club we have invented today is that it is full of people who are different; no one is the same but no one is left out! Ask children to create a “Our club” poster and around the lettering draw children and label differences – identify and celebrate differences in the class first (say the best ting about our class is that we have differences – different skin, eye colour, hair, genders, some wear glasses, some have inhalers etc) Children shouldn’t name individual children from the class with their differences on the poster, rather create a poster showing generic children with differences.
Plenary: When Lion says Duck hasn’t got the right roar, why doesn’t Duck try harder and learn to roar properly so that Lion lets Duck in the club?  Why doesn’t Duck learn to make different noises to fit in? What can we learn from Duck?
Afl questions: Why is this story about No Outsiders? Who was made to feel like an outsider in the story? What can we do in our school to make sure no one feels like an outsider?

For 35 lesson plans and guidance on how to deliver a whole school ethos based on the Equality Act see "No Outsiders in our school: Teaching the equality act in primary schools" by Andrew Moffat

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