Challenging prejudice / being assertive/ listening to new ideas
The cow who climbed a tree: Gemma
Lesson plan by Andrew
Moffat: www.equalitiesprimary.com
Intention: To be
Criteria: I know what assertive
means/ I know why some people are not assertive/ I am not afraid of new ideas
Starter: write assertive on board. Children come to a
definition with a partner
Main: Read “The cow who climbed a tree”. Ask children to
discuss in partners what the book is about and what the message is, then
feedback. Look at page 1 where Tina reads a book; why is she reading? Look at
her facial expression compared to the expression on the other cows’ faces;
how would you describe each expression? Tina had a ‘thirst for discovery’ –
what does that mean? How would you describe the behaviour of the other cows? Why do the cows tell Tina to stop thinking differently? What changed the cows?
Role play: ask for a
volunteer to be Tina. Explain Tina is going to try and tell the rest of the
class about something she has learned. Can Tina be assertive enough to
convince us to listen? Use the words that the cows use when Tina tries to
persuade them. Give Tina a card with the following statement to read out and
The world is round!
Explain a long time ago people believed the world was flat and if you
sailed to the horizon you would fall off the edge. People could not see the
world as anything other than flat so they didn’t think about alternative views.
Tina’s job is to persuade us to listen to her.
Try the exercise with different children taking on the role of Tina.
Can Tina remain calm when she argues her point? Can she listen to other views
and respond?
Activity: Remind children about the Equality
Act and what it’s for. Why is it needed? Do some people still believe we are
not all equal? We have the Equality Act in the UK because there are still
some people that don’t agree with No Outsiders, who believe that people who
are different races, religions, or who have different sexual orientation,
cannot get along.
Write an assertive
letter to the Head Teacher of an imaginary school where No Outsiders is not
used and the Equality Act 2010 is not mentioned. You may wish to write a
letter saying you do not agree with No Outsiders or a letter saying you do
agree. The intention is to be use language that is assertive to persuade the
reader to your opinion.
Y6: look at http://www.wiscnews.com/baraboonewsrepublic/news/local/article_935d7201-c28b-55b0-9618-789cc770f27f.html an article about a school in
America saying they do not welcome pupils who are LGBT. Write to the Head
Plenary: Not every country has an Equality
Act. There are many countries where people do not have equality. How would an
Equality Act help people in those countries? How does our No Outsiders ethos
help us to make sure everyone is equal?
questions: Today
I have learned… / If someone doesn’t believe in equality, I can…
35 further lesson plans on
teaching equality in, “No Outsiders In our school: Teaching the Equality Act inprimary Schools” by Andrew Moffat
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